Payday loans are unsecured debts that often come with high-interest rates. However, they are quick and an easy way of accessing money up to $1,000, especially during cash shortage. People with low income use these cash advances for various purposes including paying outstanding bills, medical expenses, fixing a car or for emergency travels. As the name suggests, these loans need to be paid back by the next paycheck day. Everything sounds fine so far. However, the issue comes into picture when the lending activities are not reported to the credit agencies, and some lenders charge high amount of fees to the borrowers. Apart from that, some payday lenders go beyond the limit while collecting the payment from the debtors who are already going through a cash crisis.
Although these issues are common with the payroll loans, the majority of the American states allow it as a completely legal business of lending. However, there are some states that have put some restrictions on these loans, and some other states have completely banned the lending of payday loans by making them illegal.
Due to the issues mentioned above, a few states have put some restrictions on payday loans in terms of the maximum inters rate, the maximum amount that can be lent, and how frequently a borrower can avail such a financing. Apart from those, there are currently 12 states in America that completely ban the payday lending business. Therefore, store-based lenders are not allowed to grant salary day loans to residents of those states. Those states are- Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Vermont and West Virginia.
It is worth noting that, the state laws are independent of each other and this ban might change in future as there are counters put by many who argue that the borrowers take loans consciously and they are ready to pay the rates and fees. More importantly, there is no alternative to help people who need immediate financing during an emergency. The good news is that borrowers anywhere in America can avail cash advance by taking out payday loans online from direct lenders such as EZPaydayCash with low rates and without any hassle or complication.
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