Payday loans are quite simple products in the lending business. Whenever someone needs urgent money, can apply for a cash loan online and get one without any credit check within a day; sometimes from lenders such as EZPaydayCash on the same day. At the time of application, the borrower obliges to pay back the principal by the next salary day along with fees and interest amount. Once the payment is made, the borrower gets debt free. However, non-payment of the debt on due might provoke unpleasant consequences. People often ask if they would go to jail if they default a payday advance. Certainly not! Although your lender or debt collector might warn you, or even threaten you so. This does not mean that there is nothing that follows after this. Without proper communication with the financing company, if a borrower fails to make payment on due, a number of things might happen.
Nowadays, the automatic payment of debts from bank account has made everything totally transparent. On the due date, if you do not have sufficient balance, then you are charged a penalty. That means you would pay extra. That is the immediate result of non-payment. After that, your lender and/or debt collector would repeatedly call you to ask for payment; even visit you at home or office. The special credit rating might take a note of it and that means your credit score goes bad. It does not stop there. The lender might move to court to take legal action against the delinquent borrower. If the court finds your behavior irregular, your wages might be garnished until the debt is paid. Once that happens, availing another loan of any kind might get very difficult.
Therefore, the wisest thing to do if you are unable to pay on due is to contact the lender and negotiate to figure out a payment plan. Otherwise, these consequences are immediate.
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