No fax payday loan is a smart option when you do not have time and need some urgent cash. It is a great deal to get some instant cash without even stressing yourself with the tedious documentation work. These loans are completely faxless with no paperwork involved. You need not hunt for a fax machine to fax your documents to the lender. The verification also is devoid of documentation.
Each lending company has different eligibility criteria for offering loans but the basic criteria remains the same. You should be a regular employee with a monthly income of minimum $1000. You should be legally 18 years or above to avail the loan. A valid checking account for deposition is necessary. Many feel reluctant to avail these payday loans because of their tampered credit score. Bad credit has nothing to do and it cannot affect your eligibility to apply and avail such loans. Conventional lending systems like banks ask for a good credit but you can avail payday loan even with your bad credit.
Once you qualify and your loan is approved, the amount is deposited into your stated account within 24 hours through electronic funds transfer. You must understand that the loan is advanced to you against your future paycheck and therefore you must repay it on your agreed pay date. One should be regular with the repayment as it is a tool to improve your credit score. Regular and timely repayment reflects in your credit score. Ensure that you pay it off in a single paycheck on your due date. In case, due to some unexpected situations, you find it very difficult to pay everything at once; you can avail extension but do not make it a habit. Periodic extension may call in for undue piling of interest and other fees applicable.
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