Can Payday Loans Damage My Credit Score
Let’s Know If Payday Loans Can Damage Your Credit Score
A credit score of a person is a numerical representation of his credit status which ranges between 300- 850; higher the better. It is reflected by the credit reports prepared by the credit bureaus such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. There are other special credit rating agencies present too which keep the credit track of borrowers recorded. While scoring a payday loan credit score is not important. Financing companies do not check the credit history for such a small amount of loan. Just applying for a payday loan, or any kind of loan for that matter, does not impact the applicant’s credit score. Even after the payday cash advance is approved, the lender does not report the lending-borrowing activity to the credit bureaus. Which also means that your credit score is still not impacted. The only time a payday loan actually can damage your credit score is when you default the loan.
How Defaulting a Payday Loan Might Damage Your Credit Status
First of all, if you are a regular payday loan borrower and you pay off loans on due, having those in your credit report actually helps you build a good credit status. Defaulting a payday loan, on the other hand, means not making the scheduled payment on due and that means not meeting the obligation. Lenders do not report this delinquency to the main three credit bureaus directly. However, the debt collector assigned by the lender may report this. Apart from that, the special credit rating agencies also note this on your credit history. Which then negatively appears as a lower credit score due to being debt-trapped. In this case, you not only lose the trust of the lender who might not lend you money again but also you might not be able to avail big-amount loans in future; mortgage or business loans. This negative score constantly damages your credit status until the debt is paid.