payday loans

Where Can I Get a Payday Loan If I Already Have One

Is It Possible to Have Multiple Payday Loans Around the Same Time?

Payday loans are most preferred short-term debts by the low and medium income groups in America. Since these cash advances give access to cash between $50 and $1,000, even with an APR of 400% it is easy to payback on salary day. However, sometimes you might need more cash, and may want to avail of a second loan when the first one is outstanding. In that case, it would depend on 4 primary factors if the loan application gets approved.

• State Law: Responsible borrowing practice means differently in different states. Whereas some states focus more on timely repayment, others prohibit from taking another payday loan when the borrower is indebted with one. Therefore, state laws impact your chances of a second loan.

• Lender: The direct lenders have their own policies towards not only how much money one can borrow but also how many times, especially when the outstanding loan has not been paid. Unless one is a regular customer of a financing company, getting funded more than once is difficult. Some may fund twice if the amount is small.

• Income Status: Income is the most important factor that lenders scrutinize before approving a payday advance. A debtor’s income level suggests his repayment ability. If you have an income level that can pay more than one payday loans, then lenders would not hesitate to finance you.

• Credit Score: When you apply for a fresh payroll loan, the lender does not check the credit status. However, having an unpaid debt of payday loan if you already have one, the lender would run through your credit ratings. That to make sure that you do not have a history of defaulting loans.

Where Can I Get a Payday Loan If I Already Have One?

Since it is a requirement that you have to have a stable income source before applying for a second payday loan, do not apply for another unless you know you can afford. Failing to repay would hurt your credit score. Once you are certain that you can handle both loans, then you have two options. Either you can approach a different lender and let them decide how much loan amount you qualify for, or you can remain loyal to a particular lender and try to get another loan.

By remaining loyal, you can take out a second payday loan with a lesser interest rate- given you are a conforming responsible borrower. You can choose EZPaydayCash to address your cash crisis, and forge a long-term partnership. If you continue to repay on dues and adhere to the rules, we can fund you extra when you need a higher cash or a second payday loan- with even a better rate. We don’t check your credit even for a second payday loan if you become a trusted customer of ours. Apply for a payday loan today, and let’s get started with the partnership! We will approve your application instantly!

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